Jenna Lyons
Sie ist die Creative Director meines liebsten amerikanischen Labels J.Crew
und schon seit langer Zeit mein absolutes Fashionvorbild.
Ihre markante schwarze Brille und Ihr immer perfekt sitzender roter Lippenstift
sind zu Ihrem Markenzeichen geworden.
Ihr Stil ist ungezwungen, locker, amerikanisch aber immer mit einer Prise Individualität.
So war es natürlich für mich Pflicht, auf meinem USA Trip bei J.Crew
meiner Shopping - Leidenschaft nachzugehen. ( leider gibt es in Deutschland keinen Store, aber Internet macht es möglich Onlineshop J Crew )
She is the creative director of my favorite American label J.Crew
and has long been my absolute fashion muse.
and has long been my absolute fashion muse.
Her striking black glasses and her always perfectly fitting red lipstick
have become to her trademark.
Her style is informal, relaxed, American but always with a touch of individuality.
So it was natural for me duty on my U.S. trip at J.Crew
my shopping - pursuing passion. (Unfortunately there is no store in Germany, but Internet makes it possible Onlineshop J Crew )
have become to her trademark.
Her style is informal, relaxed, American but always with a touch of individuality.
So it was natural for me duty on my U.S. trip at J.Crew
my shopping - pursuing passion. (Unfortunately there is no store in Germany, but Internet makes it possible Onlineshop J Crew )
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