Happy Birthday
Ein Leben ohne Ihn? Unvorstellbar! Fast jede Frau liebt Ihn und benutzt Ihn jeden Tag!
Die Rede ist von dem Mascara, welcher heute seinen 100 Geburtstag feiert.
Ich habe schon so einige ausprobiert und wurde auch schon des öfteren richtig enttäuscht, sodass hässliche Fliegenbeine oder extrem verklebte Augen das Ergebnis waren. Da ich eine kleine Heulsuse bin, habe ich mir angewöhnt nur noch wasserfesten Mascara zu benutzen. Schliesslich habe ich keine Lust wie eine verheulte Medusa auszusehen.
A life without it? Inconceivable! Almost every woman loves it and used it every day!
We are talking about the mascara, which celebrates its 100th birthday today.
I have tried quite a few and also some say was really disappointed, so extremely sticky eyes were the result. Since I am a little crybaby, I got used to use only waterproof mascara. Finally, I have no desire to look like a Medusa.
We are talking about the mascara, which celebrates its 100th birthday today.
I have tried quite a few and also some say was really disappointed, so extremely sticky eyes were the result. Since I am a little crybaby, I got used to use only waterproof mascara. Finally, I have no desire to look like a Medusa.
Wenn das Mal nicht Grund genug ist, Euch meine absoluten Lieblinge hier vorzustellen:
These are my favorites:
Power tight and long eyelashes
hypnotic view
cares and is most suitable for contact lens wearers
I love all the products from MAC and the mascara is just amazing
Completely new in my assortment but definitely the best mascara I have ever had
But always keep in mind:
I wont cry for you boys, because my mascara is too expensive :-*
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