Los Angeles
Das ist die Stadt der erfüllten und unerfüllten Träume.
Geld, Glanz, Staub und Elend mischen sich hier - wie sonst in keiner anderen Stadt. Doch jeder, der schon einmal L.A besucht hat, kennt diesen Magie die
dort in der Luft liegt. An unserem ersten Tag haben wir uns den Lunch bei The Ivy, dem Promirestaurant schlechthin gegönnt, waren shoppen bei Kitson und sind danach weiter hoch in die Hollywood Hills gefahren. Die Aussicht dort ist grossartig und die Villen fantastisch.
Genau wie in meinen Träumen ;)
This is the city of fulfilled and unfulfilled dreams. Money, shine, dust and misery mingle here - as usual in any other city. But anyone who has ever visited LA, knows this is where the magic in the air. On our first day we simply allowed ourselves to lunch at The Ivy, the celebrity restaurant, were shopping at Kitson and then drove up into the Hollywood Hills. The view was fantastic and the houses a dream. Yes exactly as I imagined that ;)
Genau wie in meinen Träumen ;)
This is the city of fulfilled and unfulfilled dreams. Money, shine, dust and misery mingle here - as usual in any other city. But anyone who has ever visited LA, knows this is where the magic in the air. On our first day we simply allowed ourselves to lunch at The Ivy, the celebrity restaurant, were shopping at Kitson and then drove up into the Hollywood Hills. The view was fantastic and the houses a dream. Yes exactly as I imagined that ;)
Good night L.A
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